3 Questions For Dietitian, Alex Royal

3 Questions For Dietitian, Alex Royal

So many of us would love to pick the brains of a dietitian, but we don't always have the resources or the means to do so. Luckily for us (and therefore you), we got to ask resident dietitian, Alex Royal, three burning questions.

What is your NUMBER ONE priority when it comes to diet?
"Free range, organic, from the source." 

Which leading health myth would you like to put to rest once and for all?
"This applies generally, but it is important to know that not one diet fits all. Everyone is different and we can see that on a genetic level. You need to forget the fads and listen to your body. This applies to low/high fat diets, low-carb diets, fasting etc. Some people do incredibly well on these but they are not for everyone." 

What's your favourite way to enjoy Nature’s Nutrition?
"I love it in my daily Green Smoothie, made with: 1/2 frozen banana, 1 scoop Nature's Nutrition Raw Vanilla, 2 tablespoons protein powder, 2 teaspoons almond butter, spinach, chia seeds and cocoa nibs. Yum!"  

What burning questions would you ask a dietitian? Who knows - maybe we can get them answered for you!